August 5, 2020


Interesting, Forbes article from a while back on the unforeseen ‘penalties’ of  work from home situations for those with more difficult setups.

As pointed out here

  • Homes with kids elicit sympathy — while those who have none may then be required to pick up the Slack, pardon the lame pun
  • WFH tele-meetings can exacerbate existing inequities — like women, generally more polite in meetings, end up being talked over even more so in the online environment
  • People living alone have few places to turn for socialization with WFH situations, so isolation for solo-home dwellers is particularly magnified 

In all, there are clearly ramifications that are somewhat unexpected for some –so a certain sensitivity’s in order.

Beyond that, though, we’re hoping that society figures the best ways to leverage the new normal for the better — for example:

  • Telehealth continuing to be adopted more widely AND, reimbursed more broadly
  • Creative thinking broadening, even more, to enhance connectivity  beyond online trade shows like the Virtual Small Business Expo 
  • Screens and setups becoming more ‘natural’  — see Oprah’s new set with vertical wall screens? 
  • Better wifi connectivity for all of the US as inexpensively as possible, or cost-free even, to help lift everyone in the US, regardless of socio-economic status

    As Covid becomes the ultimate disruptive movement, let’s keep every age, stage, and situation in mind moving forward in these increasingly virtual worlds. And keep on innovating — even from home.