March 1, 2011

Super Bowl Winner Recall!

No, we didn’t take away Green Bay’s victory.  Just wanted to share how well our readers did in our first ever poll on ad recall in the Big Game.
Overall, our smart readers did pretty well.  
VW was ranked first in correct responses, with 80% connecting l’il Darth Vader with their car.

The rest of the right call percentages?
• 72% got Skechers
• 72% got Groupon
• 68% got Stella Artois
But the toughest question: only 32% guessed the correct cost of a 30 spot for the time alone.  Almost half guessed $2 million, when the actual cost this year was $3 million.  And that doesn’t include the cost of Ozzy n Bieber.
Will next year’s TV spot cost change? Our guess: as the quarterback says…’Hike!’
Thanks for playing.