May 20, 2009

The Next Game Changer

In the beginning, there was light.
Then iPhone.  (Not to mention its 20,000 apps in year one.)
Now there’s Amazon’s Kindle.
Intro’d at the end of ’07, this digital book reader can be perused like paper with batteries lasting almost 2 weeks.  
More importantly, Kindle:
• will reach over $400 million in revenues in 2009
• accounted for 4 million of the 38 millions books sold in North America in Q1 ’09 — over 10%, dutiful reader
But similar to iPhone, what sets Kindle apart from mere gadgetry is its breadth and depth of offerings:  almost every word that has ever been published is available immediately (give or take 30 seconds.)  NY Times, and everything on its bestseller list. Out of print pubs.  Textbooks.  Mags.  Dailies.  Blog-o-sphere stuff.
Some fear that Kindle is the “book-killer,” but we see it as publishing’s saving grace.  Kindle has already changed the way we look at publishing, book promotions and, quite literally, ‘books.’ 
See the facts for yourselves — on your Kindle if you have one: