Episode Forty- Eight of the IdeaPod. In this episode, we come up with big ideas in under five minutes. We come up with creative solutions for the produce delivery service Imperfect Produce. Rock on Twisty Carrots.
Episode Forty-Seven of the IdeaPod. In this episode, Rob and Natalia talk about one of the latest and greatest things we’ve seen. We talk about the new RedBull prank video featuring Chicago Cubs third baseman Kris Bryant. With some help from RedBull … Read More
Episode Forty-Six of the IdeaPod. In this episode, Rob and Natalia put two unlike objects together to come up with new products based on those objects. Yes, it is as weird and fun as it sounds.
Episode Forty-Five of the IdeaPod. In this episode, Rob and Natalia solve First World problems with ideas off of the top of their heads.
Episode Forty-Four of the IdeaPod. In this episode, we talk about BIG Ideas under 5 minutes…that’s it. Pretty Self Explanatory. We randomly pick a company name and come up with an ideas in under 5 minute…or so.
Episode Forty-three of the IdeaPod. In this episode, we discuss the Latest & Greatest: we talk about how KFC UK handled the PR disaster of its stores not having chicken forcing hundreds of stores to close as a result.
Adweek … Read More
Episode Forty-Two of the IdeaPod. In this episode, using the idea crash brainstorm technique, Rob and Natalia come up with ideas by crashing random objects with well-known brands.
Episode Forty-One of the IdeaPod. In this episode, Rob and Allisha talk about the bad design of everyday objects and why door design can be so frustrating.
The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman
Episode Forty of the IdeaPod. In this episode, we discuss the Latest & Greatest: we talk about our favorite ad from the Big Game because the ads and the food are the best part.
Check out the ad we discuss
Episode Thirty-Nine of the IdeaPod. In this episode, we introduce a new segment called Side Project, where Rob interviews Creatives about the passion projects that they do outside the normal 9 to 5. This week Rob interviews Rob White (Yes, … Read More